I am Karen Goodchild

Online Course Creator & Vibrational Healer

I strongly believe that we all have a right to live a healthy, abundant, and purposeful life...

...yet so many are being held back from that because of emotional, mental and physical health issues.

This has to stop!

There has never been a better time to be alive! The energies we have access to for growth, expansion and healing are more potent than ever!

It is my mission to help people to break free from negative thought patterns, sabotaging behavioural patterns and ongoing health issues so that they can start really living a happy and healthy life. 

I believe that low-vibration and disconnection are at the root of most health issues.  

Therefore, my mission is to bring vibrational work and connection to the forefront of health so people can start living a full life feeling good about themselves and their direction.

A bit about me...

I am a Mum of two gorgeous girls.

I travelled a lot pre-kids, living and working in Japan, Indonesia and Australia.

I love music, especially 90's indie and house - my soul has never really left the 90's!

I'm a sociable introvert. I love people, but love my lone time too.

I love to occasionally indulge in the odd glass of red, some dark chocolate, and a feel good box-set or film.

I'm practical and down-to-earth - a typical Capricorn - as well as being a huge believer in magic and miracles.

My Journey

I used to really struggle daily with my health, both emotionally and physically. I had so many food sensitives that led to daily bloating and pain, I was tired all of the time, I was irritable and snappy with my children, I argued with my partner all the time, I felt anxious, lost, and generally unhappy.

But I wanted to get better. I wanted to be better. Most of all for my girls as I could see how my negative mindset and unhappiness was starting to affect them, even though they were so young. And so my self-healing journey began.

After trying several forms of yoga, I finally found Kundalini Yoga, and things started to shift. It was powerful! I practiced religiously, and eventually became a qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher.

However, the highs that Kundalini Yoga brought me never seemed to last. After a few days I'd be back to square one. 

I meditated, journalled, hired coaches and therapists, did all of the Law of Attraction things and read so many books...you name it I did it. 

My search led me to discover Systematic Kinesiology, which massively helped with my physical healing as well as the releasing of emotional baggage, and so I trained to become a Practitioner in that (I was on a mission to help others who were feeling like I was). 

I started to feel better, but I still found myself struggling to feel happy. I just couldn't seem to hold onto the good feelings that my practices brought me. 

Then I discovered the world of Vibration. I learnt how to release ALL of my low-stored emotions, and connected to who I truly was at a soul level. 

Once I started releasing the low vibration and consciously connecting to my soul, I was finally able move away from fear and really feel love.

I am now a much more patient mother and partner, I have the energy to exercise more, I am more focused and clear about my purpose, and I feel really good pretty much all of the time.

I can now eat rarely suffer from bloating, and I am feeling more abundant that I have ever felt before.

I now have full clarity on who I am, my purpose, and my vision. 

I can now connect to and FEEL the energy of bliss! Something I never really understood before. 

It is my passion to help others to reconnect to their true self, and to feel good in their bodies, minds and souls so they can enjoy life and be excited about where it is heading. 

My Training

I am a fully qualified Kinesiologist, Healer and Educator. 

I have reached a level of energetic expansion and vibrational frequency that goes beyond the norm.

Most importantly, I have done the work. The deep work that very few people manage to do. It was uncomfortable, and it was hard. But I have faced my shadows and my fears and have turned them ALL back to love.

Professional Qualifications

5th Dimension Earth Certified Healer (2021)

Body Code Practitioner (2020)

Emotion Code Practitioner (2020)

TASK Systematic Kinesiologist Practitioner (2019)

KRI Kundalini Yoga Teacher (2019)

Anatomy & Physiology Diploma (2019)

Nutritional Therapist Professional Diploma (2017)

NLP Diploma (2017)

Reiki Level II (2010)

Educational Qualifications

MA Education (2017)

Post-Graduate Certificate in Higher & Professional Education (2016)

MA Linguistics & Teaching English as a Second Language (2015)

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